Jazzin' Up the Cuse - Starring Claudette "Blues" King, Daughter of BB King!! (Copy)
Mark your Calendars! You won’t want to miss this performance March 12, 2022!
Juss Sum Jazz Lounge Presents:
Jazzin' Up the Cuse - Starring Claudette "Blues" King, BB King’s Daughter!! Music by DJ Maestro
Two shows, two chances to be there. First show starts at 6:15pm, Show two starts at 8:30pm. Doors will open at 5pm!
Any questions, please call 315-488-4540.

Jazzin' Up the Cuse - Starring Claudette "Blues" King, Daughter of BB King!!
Mark your Calendars! You won’t want to miss this performance! March 12th, 2022!
Juss Sum Jazz Lounge Presents:
Jazzin' Up the Cuse - Starring Claudette "Blues" King, BB King’s Daughter!! Music by DJ Maestro
Two shows, two chances to be there. First show starts at 6:15pm, Show two starts at 8:30pm. Doors will open at 5pm!
Any questions, please call 315-488-4540.